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Guanghou YiMai cnctools CO.,LTD

Company Profile
GuangZhou Yinmai Cnctool CO.,LTD.as a manufacturer which is a professional
prduce cutter.From hand-made in the beginning of 80 years, and now, it has make
out several tool grinder with digital control in the world.
Yimai has succeeded to position their products as precise carving and milling in
the high-level marketplace, which is insead of the imported products.Yimai products
all adopting refine tungsten steel tool holders; have high resistance to wear and breakages.
Yimai tools can b...
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Contact Us
Company: Guanghou YiMai cnctools CO.,LTD
Contact: Ms. liu joycet
Address: room 327huicheng business building xiangpu street ,guangzhou
Postcode: 510000
Tel: 020-82569080
Fax: 020-82567972


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Tel : 020-82569080 Fax : 020-82567972
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